Ladywell Bowling Club held their annual Spoons triples competition on Saturday 19th August on a glorious afternoon. And, after the sad death of Fred Jary, the club's former President, Captain and Men's Champion, earlier this year, the competition was renamed in his honour.

Five teams of triples lined up to compete for the impressive trophies. Each team played four matches of four ends over five rounds of matches, with one team resting in each round.
The shots for and against in each match counted towards each team's score and at the end of the day after all the matches had been played, the winners were the team with the best overall shots difference.
The first round saw two close matches, with scores of 2-2 and 6-5. But with scores of 8-0 and 9-0 over the next two rounds of matches, at the break it looked like it was going to be a close-run contest between two teams, who both had a shots difference of +8. However, after the break, while one of those teams continued their run of form, the other team fell away, so by the end, the winning team with 23 shots for and 12 shots against, giving them an overall score of +11, eight shots clear of their nearest rivals, were Susan Levene, Alvin Nelson and Skip, Ian Bradford.
Congratulations to the winning team and many thanks to all the players and helpers who made it such a lovely day.
Just to say a huge thank you to everyone involved from Fred's family. It would've meant alot to him to have a competition named after him particularly the spoons which was one of his favourite events. Please do let us know when next year's will be as we would love to come and represent Fred and the rest of the family and get involved.
As Fred's Grandson and a former player at Ladywell myself it does mean so much that everyone got involved and seemed to enjoy the day, thank you again for the honour of naming the spoons comp after Fred. He would've been very proud and I'm sure was looking down with a smile on his face.